
The Ray's destroyed trailer

Help the Ray Family Rebuild After Hurricane Helene

Lisa and Howard Ray’s lives were forever changed when floodwaters from the Cane River overwhelmed their home. The couple was swept away as their house was carried over 400 yards by the rushing water. Miraculously, they survived by escaping through the walls of their home, but they lost everything in the process.

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Amber and Trevor Ballew

Rebuilding with Hope: The Story of Amber and Trevor Ballew

Amber and Trevor Ballew’s journey is one of profound loss and remarkable resilience. Their home in Craigtown, North Carolina, was destroyed during Hurricane Helene when a landslide tore through the area. In the aftermath, HopeMill and the community have come together to support Amber and Trevor as they work to rebuild their lives.

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Bringing Leaders to the Heart of the Devastation: Advocating for Families in Need

We were back to air ops today as we hosted a dozen North Carolina Senators in Craigstown to hear the stories of loss and frustrations with the pace of progress for many of the most impacted families in the area. We appreciate the support of NC Senator Ted Alexander who organized the group, understanding the importance of seeing the devastation for themselves. We hope that their presence will increase the State’s ability to send funding where it is needed most, the people.

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With Your Amazing Support, Families Now Have Shelter and Security

Safe home delivery update! The first of many safe homes was delivered today. Because of you, we are able to provide immediate support for families in need. Support has come in the form of supplies (generators, chain saws, heaters, life-saving medication, food, water, fuel, etc.). We have covered necessary bills, we have flown supplies into every county, city, town, holler you can name, and now – safe spaces to live.

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Safe Homes, Stronger Futures: Providing Hope for Families Affected by Disaster

Today we were able to move forward with eleven tiny homes, one immediately available, ten arriving in less than two weeks. We will furnish these homes with essentials – beds, heaters, and storage. We are working with families that have submitted an application through our website, as well as families we have supported along the way. These homes will save lives with winter fast approaching and temperatures falling into the 30s.

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Helping Families With Shelter and Sponsorship

We are happy to come with an update of the prototype safe homes being delivered for our review. We are sponsoring ten families with our initial order, furnished, insulated and powered. This is a solution to get families out of the cold and into a safe home that we can heat easily during the winter months. We will also be able to place these on their land or in a location they are safe if their property is no longer accessible.

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Providing Warmth and Safe Homes for Families Rebuilding

This week, cold temperatures have had a significant impact on those without power and fuel sources for heat. As mentioned previously, our attention has quickly turned to heaters, generators, and warm clothing, in addition to the chainsaws and fuel we have been supplying along the way. Many locations throughout the high country are inundated with general supplies, but specific needs are still being met.

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