It is amazing to me to receive emails from all across the globe – following our progress, sending supplies, and participating in any way possible. There is a general sense of helplessness, even for those of us that are in this every day supporting the people in our community. At times, the missions feel so big, yet so small in the grand scheme and scope of this disaster. We are focused on providing relief – food, water, shelter, communication, while also determining what assistance is the most sustainable for the long-term.
Today we found another community that had not received any supplies since the hurricane. It is truly amazing that these pockets of communities exist, cut off from the outside world. In the coming days, this should slow, but the resupply of donations will remain key to survival.
The support we have received from local officials, local families, and our extended families following this campaign, has been nothing short of amazing. We are proud to be in the position we are, and determined to make a lasting impression.